Jokowi’s fate in Prabowo’s hands?

Jokowi’s fate in Prabowo’s hands?

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President-elect Prabowo Subianto will be inaugurated on October 22, 2024. What will happen to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) before and after his inauguration?

I hope I deserve it. Really, I deserve it. I hope I’m wrong. Goodbye, old friend Varys, The Bells in game of Thrones (2011-2019)

In political contestation, competition and power struggles are commonplace. In fact, power struggles must exist because that is the nature of politics.

However, conflicting tendencies are not the only major characteristic of politics. In addition to being political creatures, humans are also social creatures.

This means that every human being also interacts socially, creating meaningful social relationships. One of the interpersonal relationships that can arise in politics is that of allies or friends.

Maybe, for the fans game of Thrones (2011-2019), the best friends duo memorable In the series, they are Tyrion Lannister and Varys. These two thinkers and strategists eventually became like-minded friends, even though they were wary of each other when they first met.

They even left Kings Landing in search of Queen Justice who could rule Westeros. Both eventually arrived in Essos and aided the new queen, Daenerys Targaryen.

Despite this, their friendship ended due to differences in how they realized their ideals. When Varys realized that Daenerys was not the Queen of Belles, Varys rebelled.

Tyrion had advised Varys to exercise restraint. However, ultimately, Tyrion was unable and willing to do anything once executed, even though Tyrion was the Queen’s right-hand man.

In the real world, political friendships like this also seem to exist. One of them could be the friendship between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Similar to Tyrion and Varys, both were initially on different sides. However, over time, Jokowi and Prabowo ended up helping each other run the government and eventually, Prabowo was elected president for 2024-2029.

But what about Jokowi’s fate afterward, given that many problems now seem to haunt him more and more at the end of his reign? Why is Jokowi’s fate now in Prabowo’s hands?

Jokowi and the threat of a post-presidential curse

Various bad things often become a fear for humans, especially those that cannot be guaranteed in the future. These bad things without an answer and for which no exact reason can be found are often called curses.

In game of Thrones For example, there is a curse called the Garin Curse. This curse cast a shadow over the invaders from Valyria who invaded the Rhoynar.

The Valyrians eventually succeed in capturing their prince, Garin the Great, and enslaving the Rhoynar. Garin finally begs his goddess to free his people from him.

This wish finally came true when the tide rose and drowned the Valyrian invaders. Since then, the Valyrians have been cursed to live underwater while spreading a curse that turns other humans to stone.

Not only in game of ThronesCurses are also a mystery in politics. One of the most famous political curses is the post-presidential curse in South Korea (South Korea).

Jason Morgan and Kenji Yoshida in their writings on The Diplomat– also mentioned a number of former South Korean presidents affected by this curse. Some of them are Syngman Rhee, Park Chung-hee, Chun Doo-hwan, etc.

Every time they approach or after the end of their term, threats of violence and even legal action will haunt them. Lee Myung-bak, for example, was caught in a tax evasion case after his presidency ended in 2013.

A similar curse seems to exist in Indonesia. Almost every Indonesian president has experienced or been haunted by many problems after their resignation.

Soekarno, for example, was put under house arrest after he resigned. Then, Suharto was overshadowed by corruption cases after the end of the New Order. Then, there is also Megawati Soekarnoputri who is overshadowed by cases such as the liquidity assistance policy of Bank Indonesia (BLBI).

It is not impossible that Jokowi is also haunted by post-presidential curses. Indeed, despite the high level of public trust, many cases and public suspicion have also shed light on Jokowi’s government so far.

So what will happen to Jokowi if he resigns and is replaced by President-elect Prabowo? Why is Jokowi’s fate now in Prabowo’s hands?

Does it all depend on Prabowo?

Status really gives people power and influence over others. At least the position of president can give individuals their own power to direct and implement their policies.

At least that is the notion of presidential power (presidential power) by Richard Neustadt can be understood. In his book entitled Presidential Power and Modern Presidents: The Politics of Leadership from Roosevelt to ReaganIt is explained that as president, the individual leader not only relies on his authority as head of government, but also relies on persuasion and negotiation.

How can this persuasion work? The answer is to establish personal relationships with many parties in various branches of power, from the executive to the legislative to the judiciary.

The goal is that the policies and programs the president wants to implement can work properly. When the president has the opportunity to invite or negotiate with his personal connections in other branches of power, his interests in implementing policies will also be better taken into account.

Jokowi might be able to use it presidential power invite many stakeholders to adopt a number of policies that could become his legacy. One of the biggest is the National Capital (IKN) of the archipelago.

However, as time progressed towards the end of his term, various problems within IKN began to emerge and became the focus of public attention. Public doubts about the success of IKN increased.

Not to mention that rumors have emerged that Prabowo may not necessarily prioritize the development of IKN as a goal of his future government. Prabowo is reportedly more interested in fulfilling his promise of free nutritious food.

Ultimately, Jokowi’s fate will depend on Prabowo. The reason is that if IKN fails, it is not impossible that the ghost of this great curse will haunt Jokowi after he is no longer president.

Like Tyrion and Varys, a disagreement duoThis could lead to the downfall of one of them. It all ultimately depends on who rises and who falls. duothe. (A43)

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